CBC Blog
Annual Business Meeting
Our annual business meeting will take place during our midweek service on August 30th. We will give our annual report and proposed budget for the upcoming year.
Master Clubs Kickoff!
We are excited about a new year of Master Clubs! Master Clubs will kickoff on September 6th for ages 3 years old through 6th grade. Come be a part of this exciting children’s program!
Ministry Sunday
Sunday September 24th. We will be discussing numerous ministry opportunities for the members of Cranberry Baptist Church. We invite you to be a part of this special service!
Celebrate Father’s Day with us on Sunday, June 18. Evangelist Scott Pauley will be preaching in both the AM and the PM Service. Every father in attendance will receive a gift.
The Cranberry Ice Cream Parlor will be open on Sunday, June 25, following the evening service. Stop by for a delicious sundae or float. All proceeds will go toward helping the youth go to summer camp.
Our annual Patriotic Service has been scheduled for Sunday, July 2 at 11:00 am. We will honor our military and veterans in attendance.
Join us for an exciting week of VBS on June 4-8. We will meet each night from 6:30-8:15. Kids will enjoy games, songs, snacks, and teaching from the Word of God at VBS.
All ladies are invited to attend a Bible Study the second Tuesday of every month. This will be a special time of fellowship, as we gather to pray, study God’s Word and encourage one another.
All mothers in attendance will be honored in our morning service this Sunday, May 14.
Please mark your calendars for Cranberry’s 89th Anniversary on Sunday, May 21. Pasto PJ Parker will be teaching a combined Sunday School hour at 9:45 am. Pasto James Pauley will be preaching during the 11:00 am Worship Service. Following the morning service, we will have our homecoming meal at 12:45 pm.